IPNP Seminar Friday October 6th, Pr Angeliki LOUVI: Investigating Brain Disease: from Patients to Model Organisms and Beyond

Psychiatry and Neuroscience Seminar Series 2023


Pr Angeliki LOUVI

(Host A Pierani)

Yale University, New Haven, USA

Investigating Brain Disease: from Patients to Model Organisms and Beyond

Friday, October 6th, 2023, noon

Room D Levy, 102-108 rue de la santé - 75014 Paris & VISIOCONFERENCE
Pr Angeliki LOUVI

Neurosurgery, Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, USA

Dr. Angeliki Louvi (Ph.D. Columbia P&S, 1997) is Professor of Neurosurgery and of Neuroscience, Deputy Director of the MD-PhD Program, and member of the Yale Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program (INP) and the Yale Program on Neurogenetics. She is interested in understanding how the perturbation of basic biological processes leads to clinically significant brain pathology. Her laboratory investigates the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying cerebrovascular and structural brain disorders associated with specific genetic lesions. We study the mechanisms governing the development of the mammalian brain. We are particularly interested in understanding how the perturbation of basic biological processes leads to clinically significant brain pathology. Within the Yale Program on Neurogenetics, we study the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying cerebrovascular and structural brain disorders associated with specific genetic lesions. Insight into these questions will shed light on fundamental biological processes and provide information relevant for the design of therapeutic approaches.


Mammalian neural development - Mechanisms of brain morphogenesis and pathogenesis – Microcephaly - Structural brain disorders - Cerebrovascular disease

ZOOM Meeting ID/ 822 3433 7575 Passcode: 202310

LINK: : https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/85094248923?pwd=R2hoZm03OTRhUEt3Y0ZOS3ZoRm95QT09

Stay tuned

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