The decision to create a research institute with strong ties to the Sainte-Anne Hospital results from the strategic goal of integrating basic and clinical research in psychiatry and neuroscience.

The IPNP bridges the gap between basic and clinical research to understand psychiatric and neurological defects with strong ties with Sainte-Anne Hospital’s main clinical domains.


Our mission is to :

I.  To understand how the brain works at all levels, from molecular mechanisms to cells, from neuronal networks to whole organ through innovative and interdisciplinary research, considering both normal brain functions and psychiatric / neurological diseases.

II.  To promote the transfer of research and discovery into medical advances for neurological and psychiatric diseases, such as the development of new therapeutics, devices or diagnostics.

III.  To train the next generation of physicians and scientists to conduct collaborative and creative science.


Under the leadership of Dr Thierry Galli, appointed the director of the unit in September 2015, a profound restructuring/reorganization of the previous institute (CPN, Centre de Psychiatry and Neuroscience) led to the foundation of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences of Paris (IPNP) in 2019. The new institute is located in a building dedicated to experimental research, with laboratory and office space, technological core facilities, administration and meeting rooms.


This building of 4300 m² was extensively renovated (operation of ~15 M€) and opened in the fall of 2017. The institute gathers an interdisciplinary community of over 230 basic and clinical neuroscientists, as well as faculty members working on:

  • brain evolution
  • neurodevelopment and psychiatry
  • aging and neurodegenerative diseases
  • epilepsy
  • genetics and epigenetics
  • brain tumors

Using approaches from molecular and cellular biology to cognitive and translational neuroscience.


The IPNP hosts junior and senior researchers, as well as spin-off firms to support the promotion of research and technology transfer.


The IPNP provides core facilities and services to ensure that its teams have access to the most advanced technologies, allowing the development of modern psychiatric and neuroscience research projects.



IPNP photo gallery: events and rehabilitation work of the builiding*
*photo credit: eugenio prieto gabriel



Ipnp Inauguration
Frédéric Dardel, Thierry Galli, Frédérique Vidal, Marie-Christine Lemardeley, Faten HIDRI, Claire Giry, Jean-luc Chassagnol
Ipnp Inauguration
Jean-luc Chassagnol, Claire Giry, Agnés Buzyn, Thierry Galli
Mes recherches en 180 secondes
G Van-Niel, S Leite, J Ratelade, P Sener et A Buzyn
Mes recherches en 180 secondes
P Duriez, S Cassim, C Habermarcher, A Buzyn et C Giry
Livre d'or
Signature de notre livre d'or par C Giry, F Dardel A Buzyn
research apprenticeships 2016 / 2017 team Gorwood
research apprenticeships 2017 / 2018 team Gorwood
research apprenticeships 2016 / 2017 team Lanfumey
research apprenticeships 2017 / 2018 team Lanfumey
West facade
Setting up scaffolding on West facade
West facade: ongoing construction work
Renovation work on West facade involves demolition of partitions and the existing exterior envelope
Finished West facade
The rebuilt facade and its extension
Floor number 4 before works
Started ou Renovation and construction work on the 4th Floor
Research lab
Upcoming delivery of a laboratory
View of the East facade
Setting up scaffolding on East facade
Finished East facade
The rebuilt facade after installation of cladding panels in outdoor architecture
Lunch summer 2018
Lunch summer 2018
Christmas party 2019
Christmas party 2019
Christmas party 2019

Key dates

After a phased moving into the new building of its new teams in 2017 and its evaluation by the HCERES commission in 2018, the new 4,300 m building of the IPNP was inaugurated Thursday, November 29, 2018 at the Sainte-Anne hospital, in the presence of Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Solidarities and Health, and Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. As a follow-up to this official inauguration, the IPNP organized the 1st International Scientific Meeting on Friday, November 30, 2018 in the amphitheater of the new building.

The Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (IPNP) of Inserm and Paris-Descartes University is settled in a new building constructed adjacent to the Sainte-Anne hospital in 2017. The 4300 m2 new building houses multidisciplinary teams of experts in biology, clinical research, physics, chemistry, engineering and computational science. The IPNP goal is to foster collaborations between basic, translational and clinical research. The IPNP hosts junior and senior researchers as well as spin-off firms (all recruited through international calls) to support promotion of research and technology transfer. The IPNP also provides core facilities and services to ensure that the teams have access to the most advanced technologies allowing the development of modern psychiatric and neuroscience research projects.


After being evaluated by the Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (a.k.a. “AERES”), the Center obtained the label UMR_S* for 4 years.

*The Mixed Unit of Research (UMR) is a laboratory having obtained a mixed label after it was evaluated by both the Ministry of Health and the Search (MESR) and a great research institute (CNRS, INSERM, INRA…). A UMR labeled by MESR and CNRS will be called UMR_C or UMR, by MESR and INSERM it will be UMR_S and if it is by MESR and INRA it iwill be UMR_A. UMR are also often called “associated laboratories”.


Research units from the Paul Broca Center, three teams from INSERM U288 (located at Salpétrière Hospital) and to 2 clinical teams from Saint-Anne Hospital combine to form the Center of Psychiatry and Neurosciences (CPN).

The CPN is under the supervision of INSERM and is affiliated with University Paris Descartes.

The neurology service is installed in 1974 and neuroradiology becomes, in Sainte-Anne, a leading discipline with an innovative equipment: tomography - CT, magnetic resonance imaging, which will allow the creation of therapeutic radiology.

From 1970 the first units invest the Centre Paul Broca.


In 1952, psychiatry made spectacular headway at Saint-Anne with the application of the first neuroleptics whose action will later revolutionize therapeutics worldwide.

At the same time, neurosurgical practices develop with new research and intervention methods, which has led to the stereotaxic neurosurgery practiced today. Neurosurgery of the pain also became very important for the hospital.


In 1947, the section of bio-psychopathology of the child is created It intends to give to the unsuitable childhood and the families a clinical and therapeutic original set in its double emotional and cognitive aspect.


In 1941, one of the first French laboratories of electroencephalography was established at Ste-Anne hospital.


In 1922, Edouard Toulouse created the “mental prophylaxis center” which was the first department in which patients were able to go free without being interned by the law of June 30, 1838.


In 1863, Napoleon III commissioned the creation of a psychiatric hospital in Paris at the location of Saint-Anne farm. This hospital is named a “clinical asylum” because it was intended to become a place of treatment, research and teaching related to mental illnesses. Haussmann, the prefect in Paris, oversaw the project. The asylum was inaugurated on January 1, 1867 and the first patient was accepted on May 1 of the same year.

Over the years Saint-Anne has provided for the protection of the mentally ill with the limited therapeutic means that were available in this period. Important and in-depth medical research is developed.