The Animal Housing of the Institute of Pschiatry and Neurosciences of Paris is a common service facility that provides rodent housing and breeding to its faculty and the research community at large.
The main object of the IPNP Animal Housing is to serve the biomedical research topics developed by both CPN and outside scientists complying with European and French regulation (Directive 2010/63/UE of September 22 and Decree 2013-118 supplemented by 4 implementation orders, respectively).
It is under the responsibility of an Engineer, which ensures its management.
The Animal Housing has been constructed and equipped to fulfill the French, European and International standards and regulations on the use of experimentation on animals. The Core is staffed with experienced and trained personnel to ensure that animals are cared for in a humane and appropriate manner by the provision of modern, well-maintained facilities, technical support and monitoring of the animal models breeding. The rodent Facility makes sure that the animal health status is carried out under high hygienic levels and organizes periodic health controls in strict adherence to the Federation European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA) policies.
The Animal Housing ‘s continuous development and optimization is partially governed by the decisions made by the ANIMA5 platform that coordinates all animal facilities belonging to University Paris Descartes.
The Animal Housing actively interacts with the different scientific core facilities that are hosted at the IPNP in order to assist IPNP researchers or externals through provision of scientific and technical advice in the development of their biomedical projects.